Call Before You Dig

Dig Safely
Natural gas pipelines and other utilities run under streets and sidewalks as well as under yards. Digging into these lines could disrupt gas service to the neighborhood. Even minor damage to a gas pipeline or its coating (such as a gouge, scrape, or dent) could harm the integrity of the pipeline and cause a future break or leak. Accidentally digging into underground power lines could cause an electrical shock hazard and disrupt electrical service in the neighborhood. Damage could even result in electrocution.
Your utility locator center, reached by dialing 811, makes sure underground natural gas pipelines and other utilities are clearly marked so people can dig a safe distance away from them. Whether you are planning to do it yourself or hire a professional, call 811 several days before digging begins—at least 72 hours in Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire, not counting weekends and legal holidays. Any job requires a call, even planting a tree! There is no charge for this service.
How 811 Works
When you call 811, explain to the operator where the digging will occur. 811 will notify all the major utilities that have underground lines near the digging area. Within a few days, a worker from each utility will mark the location of each buried utility line so you can dig a safe distance away.